Hamburg Place
Lexington, KY
Located off I-75 at Winchester Rd. (Exit 110)
or Man O' War Boulevard (Exit 108)

Hamburg Place

P.O. Box 12128

Lexington, KY 40580

Office: 859-299-1515

Fax:  859-299-5865

Patrick W. Madden

Attorney at Law

Office:  859-299-7028

Patrick Fitzgerald

Office Manager

Office: 859-299-1515
Warren Witt

Director of Development

Office:  859-299-1515

Dakota Mitchell
Facilities Coordinator
Office:  859-299-1515


Rusty Polley

Lease Accounting Manager

Office:  859-299-1515

Mary Johnson 

Office Coordinator

Office:  859-299-1515

Julie Thomas 

Director of Leasing
Office:  859-299-1515

Sami Corken

Lease Administrator

Office:  859-299-1515

Tyler Wiles

Director of Construction

Office: 859-299-1515